Between Us Read online

Page 12

  Her eyes lit up. “Got it. Can you just tell her to call me when she’s got a chance? I’m not at the hotel—I’m staying somewhere else tonight, so I don’t want her to worry if she comes to my door.”

  I frowned. “With that guy?” I motioned toward the loud asshats at the end of my bar. They were getting louder by the second, tossing some small scrap of cloth amongst themselves. “I may have to cut them off. Never went through so much tequila in my life, and they get a little over the top when they get together.”

  She flushed. “I think that’s a good idea. But don’t tell them I confirmed.”

  I leaned in really far so I could whisper in her ear. “Smart girl. Thanks for the heads-up.”

  She grinned. “Welcome.”

  Should I tell her about the paparazzi? She seemed nice enough, and maybe Mac hadn’t told her friends yet. Maybe she was all alone and scared and upset, trying to keep the truth from them so they could enjoy their vacations, even if she couldn’t. Shit. That was totally something she would do. “Listen, Quinn. About Mac.”

  She went still. “Is she okay?”

  I shifted on my feet. “There was some trouble. Paps found out about us. She needs you.”

  She cursed and then her eyes narrowed. Right on time—the suspicion I’d been expecting all along. “Was it you?”

  I glared right back at her. “Fuck no. Believe what you want. I don’t need this shit.”

  I turned away, but she grabbed my wrist, so I stopped out of respect. It’s not as if she could have held me back even if she threw her weight into it. “I’m sorry. I—I believe you. Is she at the hotel?”

  Wait. What? She believed me. Impossible. “Yeah. Surrounded by the press. We were on TMZ. Fucking shit.”

  “Crap. Okay, I’m heading over there now to check on her.”

  I had to ask. “Why do you believe me?”

  She looked at me, saying nothing at first. “Don’t know. Just do.”

  “Thanks. Wait here.” I ran back to the mixing station and grabbed a styrofoam cup before throwing together a drink for her. “Here. It’s a Sex on the Beach. Take one for the road. Mac said it’s your signature drink.”


  I lowered my voice. “Thanks for believing me.”

  She nodded and left, and I watched her go. My boss motioned me up to the stage, and I made quick work of readying myself in the back room. The whole time I changed, I thought about Mac. Could I do this? Could I let her walk away?

  I didn’t know. All I knew was I was supposed to be out on stage, and I wasn’t ready. And when I stumbled out there, I totally lost my mind. I couldn’t fucking believe this shit. After years of being in the shadows, of no one knowing who the hell I was and me being perfectly content for it to stay that way…

  I had a full house and the paparazzi at my nine o’clock show. I climbed up on the small stage, my acoustic guitar in my hands, and settled down on the stool mid-stage. The cheap colored lights at the edge of the stage lit up, and I took a steadying breath.

  Ready or not, it was show time.

  I scanned the crowd. People were packed into the bar like sardines in a can, and they were all watching me. They were smiling and cheering as if I was this mega-fucking superstar. I wasn’t.

  And all throughout my half-hour segment, they kept trying to sing along, even though they didn’t know any of my damn songs. They acted like groupies. All because I’d been caught with my fingers inside Mackenzie Forbes. It didn’t seem fair. And if Mackenzie saw this, it would only make her think I’d used her for fame and fortune all over again.

  The funny thing was, I didn’t even want either one. Ever since I left L.A., singing was something I did for me. I didn’t do it for recognition or even money. I’d given up on that dream long ago. I liked it. It made me happy—so I did it.

  End of story.

  Half an hour later, I took a breath and finished my last song. I strummed my pick across the strings, playing a few chords, and let myself get lost in the music.

  “It’s something you feel all the way through… Love isn’t something you can buy or steal… It’s something you have to fight to feel… And I never have, until you.”

  The crowd broke out in applause, and I swallowed hard. I’d just finished the song I’d written for Mackenzie this morning. I’d been restless ever since I’d walked away from her yesterday. Sure, it had always been the plan. To end things when the time came. It just came a little earlier than we’d been planning.

  Maybe that’s why it was killing me so fucking much.

  I took off my guitar and bowed to the crowd. “Thank you for coming out.”

  Flashes blinded me, and people shouted questions. Questions they had no right asking. I vowed to never take another picture of a celebrity ever again. This was ridiculous. Funny, I’d never thought a few pictures were a big deal before now.

  “Are you going to Mackenzie’s after this?”

  “Is Mackenzie backstage?”

  “Just how serious are you two?”

  “Why did you almost kill your father?”

  “What can you tell us about your shady past?”

  I ignored them all, walking off the stage without another word. Asshats. I knew that any other artist would be happy with the new attention. But instead, I was fucking miserable because I already missed her. It was time I admitted it to myself, and maybe to her, too.

  I’d been wrong to throw her aside, just as she’d been wrong to assume I’d been the one to sell her out. She’d touched me in ways no one else ever had. She’d made me open my heart. Open my past. Hope for the future. But was that enough for us to make something of ourselves, despite all the hardships we’d be facing? She was leaving. Going back to college.

  I was here, and would always be here. At least until Rachel grew up.

  My phone buzzed. Was that her? Mackenzie? She hadn’t tried to contact me since last night, but then again, I hadn’t tried to contact her either. I pulled out my phone, releasing a sigh when I saw it was a text from Rachel. You going to see Mackenzie behind my back again?

  I rolled my eyes and typed back. No.

  She would never forgive me for not telling her I was involved with her role model. Even though I’d been upset on her behalf, she hadn’t cared about her past being aired like dirty laundry. She’d just been angry at me for not telling her about it.

  But it hadn’t exactly been common knowledge…until it had been. What had she expected me to do? Blurt it out for all to hear? Not happening.

  My phone buzzed again. Well, stuck at home since I’m grounded. So feel free to…do whatever you do when I’m not with you. Mrs. Greer can come over again.

  I chuckled. I cry until I return to your arms.

  Haha. So funny. Tell Mackenzie she’s invited over for pizza sometime. I’d love to meet her.

  I shook my head. It would be too much of a mess. The whole world would know our business. I can’t do that to you.

  They already know our history. Why stop now? You have my blessing, bro. Go for it. Don’t let fear stop you.

  I started to say it didn’t matter because I wouldn’t be seeing Mackenzie again anyway, but then I froze. You know what? I’ll go see her after all.

  I’ll let Mrs. Greer know!

  I grinned, feeling freer than I’d felt in a long damn time. Love ya.

  Love you too.

  After shooting a quick text to Mrs. Greer to confirm she was indeed going over to sit with Rachel, I shoved my phone into my pocket. Normally I’d let her stay home alone, but after what she’d tried to pull off, I didn’t trust her to stay put just yet. It was time to try to get Mac back in my arms, and it was now or never. I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to say yet, but I knew I had to see her.

  Hopefully the words would come to me before I got there.

  I changed clothes, hoping that would throw off the paparazzi. After trading my green shirt for a black one and a pair of matching jeans, I tugged a Redskins hat low over my hea
d and strolled out of the bar whistling. I tried to look as normal and laid back as possible, and it must’ve worked.

  I walked right past the waiting photographers without them noticing.

  “She’s leaving on Saturday. I’m going to camp out at the airport after I get another picture of her latest Romeo,” a blond photographer said, adjusting his camera lenses. “She’s got horrible taste in men lately.”

  I wanted to flip him off and say, “Kiss my ass, fucker,” but I wanted to go talk to Mackenzie even more. So I bit my tongue and strolled right under their noses. She was leaving soon. I knew that, but hearing it made it all the more…final. Damn it all to hell.

  I didn’t want to let her go.

  I OPENED the door at the knock, half expecting to find Austin in the hallway again, just like Tuesday night. Before it all went to hell. But I should have known it wasn’t going to be him. Austin never would have gotten past the security I’d been forced to call after the big reveal. My most loyal guard, Harry, was pissed.

  And he wouldn’t be afraid to show it.

  It was Quinn, and she looked like she’d been crying for hours. Last I’d heard, she was at the bar with her guy and had been happy as a clam. What could have happened between now and then to make her so upset? Whatever it was, or whoever had caused it, I was going to kill them.

  I pulled her into my arms for a hug. “Oh my God, are you okay?”

  Quinn nodded shakily. “Yeah. I think. What the hell is going on, sweetie? Why didn’t you tell me about getting busted by the pap yesterday?”

  I stepped to the side and motioned her in, but then decided to haul her in when she didn’t move fast enough. This was not a conversation I wanted to have in the hallway. I’d been hiding out in my room since the big fight with Austin. No one needed to know how much of a wreck I was right now. No one needed to know I was nursing a broken heart.

  But if I stood in the hallway talking about it, they might hear about it.

  I didn’t want to risk being seen now, after all the lengths I went through to remain unseen. America would love seeing me broken-hearted, I’m sure. Seeing me down in the dumps with frizzy hair and no makeup. But they wouldn’t get to if I had my way.

  I tried to play it off with a shrug. Quinn was supposed to be out having fun, not worrying about my pathetic love life. “I couldn’t deal. I wanted you to have a nice vacation and not worry about me.”

  “He didn’t. Austin didn’t leak the news.”

  “I know. I mean, I thought he did at first, but then I realized I was wrong. It was too late.” I blinked back the tears trying to escape. “How did you know about it?”

  She lifted her chin. “Because it was me.”

  I laughed. “Really funny.”

  “I’m not kidding. I didn’t actually do it, but I might as well have.” She sat down on the couch and covered her face with her hands. “I told James about you. Told him I was here with you. I trusted him, and his friend…he did it.”

  I sat down beside her and rubbed her back. “James told them?”

  “No. James’s buddy. Dickhead Adam.” She uncovered her face. “He must have been eavesdropping…or maybe James told him. I don’t even know.”

  I swallowed hard. The news didn’t surprise me at all. I already knew Austin was innocent, so it had to be someone, right? It happened to be some douche I’d never met. “It’s okay. That’s not your fault.”

  Quinn shook her head. “But it is. I told James. If I hadn’t told him, then you’d—”

  “I’d still be me, and chances are? Someone else would have figured it out,” I said matter-of-factly. “It was only a matter of time, really. The truth is, I’m not even upset about being found out. I’m upset with how I reacted to it. I shouldn’t have assumed it was Austin. If I hadn’t, maybe he would have stayed with me instead of leaving. But it’s too late now.”

  “Mac…” She hugged me close, and I smiled as she kissed my cheek. “You’re too good to me, you know that?”

  “Please. I’m not good enough.” I let go of her. “You didn’t do anything to be ashamed of. All you did was trust a boy…”

  “And look where that got me.”

  I sighed. “The three of us made a mess of things down here, didn’t we? What happened to carefree sex and fun? Wasn’t that what I ordered us all to find?”

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged, but didn’t laugh like I expected her to. “Maybe the two don’t go hand in hand.”

  I got up and cracked open the bottle of wine I’d ordered this morning. “I think we need this, and you’re going to tell me everything that happened in detail, instead of the bits and pieces I’ve gotten over texts the past few days. Deal?”

  Quinn finally cracked a smile. “I think I can agree to that.”

  I’D DONE it. I’d walked to her hotel, and now I just needed to go in and make her listen to me. I stopped walking and looked up toward her floor. Was she still there? Judging from the paparazzi parked outside of it, I’d say yes. I took a deep breath and walked through the doors, keeping my head down. No one stopped me.

  Was I actually doing this? Going back after I’d said goodbye?

  “Excuse me.” Someone stopped in my path before I could make it to the front desk. “Key, please.”

  “Uh…” I blinked at the huge fucker in front of me. Seriously, his arms were like barrels. He could probably bench-press me without breaking a sweat. “I don’t have one.”

  He rocked back on his heels. “Then you can turn around and walk right back out those doors. No one gets in without a key or clearance from me.”

  “I’m here to see a friend,” I said, lifting my head to look at the dude. He had on a security shirt and had pepper spray on his hip. He was big, but I’d bet a million bucks I was faster. If I ducked under his arm, I might make it to the elevator before he killed me. “Mackenzie Forbes. You’re guarding her, I assume?”

  He crossed his arms. “Is she expecting you?”

  “No. I was trying to surprise her.”

  “Yeah, well, that ain’t happening on my watch. You gotta be approved before you ride to her room, or you need to prove you’re a guest here,” he said, lifting a brow. “Which I already know you’re not.”

  I glared at him. Huge or not, he was in my way. I should have known Mac would call in the guards after everyone learned her location. It only made sense. Actually, I was surprised that she hadn’t left already.

  “I need to talk to her, and you’re not stopping me. I’ve been kicked on or punched my whole fucking life just for being alive.” I shrugged. “You’re not all that scary to a guy like me.”

  “Be that as it may, you need to join the rest of the scum out there before we test that theory.” He cocked his head toward the paparazzi. “They are your friends, right, Mr. Murphy?”

  “No, they’re not.” I pulled out my phone. “I assume you know her, right?”

  “You could say that, yes. I watch out for men like you in Chicago. They all know not to mess with me. Maybe you need to learn that lesson, too.” He eyed me and moved his fingers. His wedding band caught the light. “I’ve been her guard for three years, and I don’t take kindly to little punks like you hurting her.”

  I hadn’t hurt her. Okay. Maybe I had. But she’d hurt me, too. “Then you’ll recognize her voice.” I dialed her number, holding my breath and praying she answered.

  It rang once, twice, three times. Then, she finally picked up. “What do you want, Austin?” She sounded tired. Maybe she’d been up all night, too. “I’m not in the mood to fight with you. I have to pack.”

  I closed my eyes. Shit, even her voice made me more relaxed than the three beers I’d had before I got on the stage. “When are you leaving? Tomorrow or Saturday?”

  She sighed. “Saturday.”

  I’d been wrong. She wasn’t leaving tomorrow. We had a whole day together still—if I managed to get her to forgive me, that is. “I need to talk to you.”

  “Fine.” She sighed. “T

  “I want to do it in person.” I clutched the phone tight, opening my eyes and watching her guard cautiously. He looked ready to pummel me into the tile at a moment’s notice. I’d bet he would like it, too. “I can’t get through your human door, though.”

  “What do you want to say that can’t be said over the phone?”

  “Please.” I shifted on my feet, eyeing the elevator. If she didn’t get her guard to let me through, I was running for it full speed ahead. It would only get me to the floor under hers without someone to swipe me up there, but it was better than nothing. “I’m begging you, Mac.”

  Silence. “Put Harry on.”

  I handed Harry the phone. “She wants to talk to you.”

  Harry lifted the phone to his ear. “Yes, miss?” A nod. “All right.” He hung up and handed me the phone. He cracked his knuckles and stepped in my path. “She said to get rid of you with as much force as necessary.”

  I swallowed hard and lifted my chin. Un-fucking-believable. She refused to let me talk to her? Bullshit. She would have to remove me forcibly and make a scene if she wanted to play that way. “Then do it. I’m not leaving on my own accord until I talk to her, no matter how many times you crack your knuckles.”

  Harry laughed, throwing his head back. Holy shitballs. His laugh was even deeper than his voice. “I’m messing with you. She said to let you through without hurting you.”

  I released the breath I’d been holding. “Oh. Good.”

  “Go on, before I change my mind.” He moved aside, watching me with those unflinching brown eyes the whole time. “And don’t make her cry again, or you’ll answer to me.”

  She’d been crying? Well, shit. I hadn’t meant to hurt her.

  He walked me to the elevator and swiped his card, allowing me to ride up to the top without an escort. The whole way up, my knees were wobbling and my hands were sweating. I knew this was my only chance to make my point. My only chance to get a happy ending with her. And, man, I needed that chance.

  That’s what I had to tell her. She needed to know, no matter how she felt about me, she had to know I needed her. That I didn’t want her to go. That I wasn’t ready to call it quits, no matter what I’d said yesterday during our fight.